boys mental health play strong wellness

How to Inspire Boys to Become Strong men

Why do boys need more inspiration to thrive in the current world?

Boy enjoying outside play

I was having lunch outdoors, at my daughter’s school after attending preschoolers’ graduation. A little boy was busy chasing two inflated balloons that were tied together, while his mother tried to feed him(chuckles), in between. He kept releasing the balloons briefly into the wind, then happily chasing after them. At this point, he would briefly stop by his mother to have another mouthful of food

Allow young boys to play

A girl would probably never do that! It is different for boys though; since boys enjoy playing rough, chasing, wrestling, competing, climbing and shouting; evidently, they have lots of energy. My mum would advise, ” you are better off not watching boys playing(chuckles), lest you get a heart attack.” Boys can make you cringe with the way they play, be that as it may, they need this kind of play to grow into healthy, strong, and balanced men.

Boys always play

Play helps boys to connect with each other, as well as learn about their own limits, and release that extra energy. Parents and caregivers are often tempted to stop boys from playing because they see it as too rough, but it is better to turn away and let them play. They will sleep better at night. In our traditional African setting, boys’ chores were mainly outdoors. They watched the family’s livestock, worked the farmland, and did other outdoor activities. Play, in all its forms, is great for your growing boy.

Schedule as much outdoor playtime as you can

While I was growing up, boys were trained to be different from girls moreover, they were expected to behave differently. They taught girls to take care of the home, cook, and watch younger siblings. Boys, on the other hand, did different errands out in the fields. In the 21st Century, we all live and work in the cities and, hence, outdoor spaces are limited. With confined spaces, parents need to proactively schedule outdoor playtime.

Benefits of outdoor play

boys playing hard

Boys will always play harder when they are outdoors than in confined spaces. Playing outside boosts their mood of happiness, and, happiness boosts immunity. Other benefits of outdoor playing are; a strong body, properly developed senses, anxiety avoidance, and mental well-being. after releasing the extra energy, they are more relaxed and less prone to destructive behaviors.

Encourage self-expression

Boys and men for that matter, do not talk much, unlike women. They are uncomfortable sharing feelings and emotions. It has however been proven that men can express themselves in a secure environment. Make your home a secure environment for your boys to feel free to be themselves without suppression.

Accommodate individuality for mental well being

Boys act similarly, but all boys are not exactly the same. Some are more sensitive than others, build that. You should ensure that you handle each boy as an individual, appreciate, and love him just the way he is. This way, boys would rarely feel misunderstood, less important, or not good enough. Studies show that these exact feelings are the genesis of substance abuse and other addictions.

Role Model of a strong man

A growing boy needs a father, or, a father figure in his life. The father has a unique role in showing the boy how to be a good man. Mum only gives support. Boys need time to be out on their own doing men’s stuff, without mum. The presence of the father or father figure keeps the boy steady, so that, he has time to learn and explore safely.

The right picture of who is a strong man

The world today is a challenging place for growing boys. On one side there is the threat of addictions and substance abuse, while on the other side are societal changes that threaten the very nature of a real man. Show your boys great examples, of exemplary men who made a mark in world history, show them that real men fear GOD, that strong men trust GOD, and that healthy men lead others as they too are led by GOD.

In a nutshell

Let boys be boys, furthermore, let us not deter their manner of play. Undoubtedly, boys need to play to release that extra energy and bottled-up emotion. Playing makes a boy feel happier, grow physically strong, and mentally healthy, and also have well-developed senses. Additionally, boys need to be made to feel safe to express their feelings and in essence be free to thrive as an individual.

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